2017 Crab Fest
2017 Crab Fest
Cherry Hill, NJ
Crab Fest is returning to Covered Bridge this year with all you can eat crabs from Captain’s Catch in Delaware! Lower Pavilion Online Ticket Sales will close after Wednesday, June 7th A sign-up genius will be sent out shortly for volunteers, desserts and appetizers. Please contact Becky Oliver …
Saturday, June 17 2017
3:00 PM
9:00 PM
2018 Crab Fest
2018 Crab Fest
Cherry Hill, NJ
Crab Fest is returning to Covered Bridge this year with all you can eat crabs! Lower Pavilion Online Ticket Sales will close after Sunday, June 10th A sign-up genius will here for volunteers, appetizers and desserts. Please contact Tami Hutchison at tstoeckel15@gmail.com with any questions. Lo…
Saturday, June 16 2018
3:00 PM
9:00 PM
Bowling For Andy
Bowling For Andy
Cherry Hill, NJ
***BOWLING FOR ANDY!!!***Come out and show your support for our friend Andy!!! Friday, November 2nd @ The Big Event 7pm-10pm $50 a person, adults only. ALL PROCEEDS GO DIRECTLY TO THE BARAN FAMILY Ticket price includes dinner buffet, unlilmited bowling and shoe rental. Cash bar will also be a…
Sunday, December 2 2018
6:00 PM
9:00 PM
5th Annual Croc Crawl
5th Annual Croc Crawl
Cherry Hill, NJ
SAVE THE DATEThe 2020 Croc Crawl will be held on Saturday, February 29thTHE DEETSWe couldn't be more excited about this year's Crawl. It's Leap Day and we are LEAPING over the bridge again. We have space for 150 Crocs - Four Buses - crawling and having a great time. Stop #1: PinsettersStop #2: …
Saturday, February 29 2020
4:00 PM
11:00 PM
3rd Annual Covered Bridge Swim Club Pub Crawl
3rd Annual Covered Bridge Swim Club Pub Crawl
Cherry Hill, NJ
The 3rd Annual Covered Bridge Croc Crawl is Saturday, February 24th. Here's where we are heading: Cavanaugh's Paddy Whacks Toll Man Joe's Tickets are $50 a person and include a drink at every bar, plus a t-shirt. The tailgate will start at Covered Bridge at 3:30 and the buses will leave at 4:3…
Saturday, February 24 2018
3:30 PM
11:30 PM
4th Annual Croc Crawl
4th Annual Croc Crawl
Cherry Hill, NJ
The 4th Annual Covered Bridge Croc Crawl is Saturday, March 2nd. Crawl locations will be announced shortly. Tickets are $50 a person and will include one drink at each bar, plus your Croc Crawl T-shirt. The tailgate will start at Covered Bridge at 3:30. Buses will depart for the first stop at 4…
Sat, Mar 2 2019
4:30 PM
Sun, Mar 3 2019
12:00 PM